Interesting Case Presentation Competition

Indian Society of Anesthesiologists- Nagpur city branch had organized an academic feast ‘Interesting case presentation competition‘ for the members of the society which was held on Saturday 22nd April 2017 at 6:30pm at M.T. Paithankar Hall, IMA House.

The first and second best case presentations were given ‘Late Smt. Vaishali Malegaonkar Memorial Award’. Dr. Rashmi shingade won the first prize for her presentation ‘Anaesthetic management in kartagener’s syndrome‘, and the winner of the second prize was Dr. Jyoti Panhekar , who presented ‘Anaesthesia management in pulmonary thrombo-embolectomy patient‘.

Others who presented interesting cases were Dr. Devyani Thakur, Dr. Kamalakar Pawar, Dr. Abhay Ganar, Dr. Ritesh Borkar, Dr. Suman Bansal, Dr. Prasad Ingley, Dr. Swapna Bhure and Dr. Taaeba Syed.

The esteemed judges who judged this tough competition were Dr. S. K. Deshpande, Dr. Shubhda Deshmukh and Dr. Bhau Rajurkar. The president of the society Dr. Sheetal Dalal congratulated the participants and encouraged them to participate in more such activities. Dr. Dilip Wasnik conducted the proceedings. Dr. Gauri Arora, Hon. Secretary of the society proposed vote of thanks. The program was attended by large number of anesthesiologists of the city.

Names of participantsInteresting Cases Presented
Dr. Rashmi ShingadeAnaesthetic management in kartagener’s syndrome
Dr. Ritesh Borkar – Consultant Cardiac Anaesthesiologist at Meditrina
Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur
Management of a case of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
Dr. Devyani ThakurAnaesthesia for whole lung lavage in a case of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Dr Abhay Ramesh Ganar (Assist.Prof.GMC & amp;SSH ,Nagpur.)Scalp block for awake craniotomy in patient posted for left parietal glioma excision
Dr. Suman Bansal – Neeti ENT ClinicCO2 LASER excision of subglottic web in 2 ½ yr old child – An Anesthetic Challenge
Dr. Jyoti Panhekar (K. G. Deshpande hospital)Anaesthesia management in pulmonary thrombo-embolectomy patient
Dr. Swapna Bhure – Neeti ENT ClinicAnaesthetic Management of Minimally Visible Goiter Causing Significant Respiratory Distress
Dr kamalakar Pawar (Anaesthesia by Dr Kamalakar Pawar and Dr Sachin Makade)Perioperative management of left suprarenal tumour (pheochromocytoma)
Dr. Prasad Ingley (.M.D. PDCC Neuroanaesthesia and critical care)Awake craniotomy
Dr. Taaeba Iffat Syed Naqeeb MujtabaA case report on post-operative Takotsubo cardiomyopathy

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