Lifesaving Skills Workshop: BCLS/COLS Training at New Health City Hospital

The Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists, Nagpur City Branch (ISA NCB), conducted a comprehensive Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) and Compression-Only Life Support (COLS) Activity at New Health City Hospital, Nagpur, on February 29th, 2024. The session was dedicated to enhancing the emergency response capabilities of healthcare professionals.

The workshop featured an informative lecture on the principles of COLS and BCLS, delivered by Dr. Dilip Wasnik, Honorary Secretary of ISA NCB. Following the theoretical insights, Dr. Kalyani Surkar, Executive Member of ISA NCB, led a hands-on demonstration, providing practical training to the attendees.

The event saw the participation of approximately 60 individuals, including RMOs, nursing staff, and other paramedics, who actively engaged in the training. A COLS instructional chart was generously donated to the hospital, serving as a valuable reference for the staff.

The initiative was met with great enthusiasm and was highly commended by the hospital management, reflecting the importance of such training in fostering a prepared and skilled medical community.