ISA – Nagpur City Branch conducts Paper Presentation Competition

Indian Society of Anaesthesiology – Nagpur City Branch conducted ‘Paper Presentation Competition’ for post graduate students in anaesthesiology in Dec 2013. This is annual activity of ISA Nagpur City Branch held in the month of December. The students who participated in the competition included Dr Nitin Chopde, Dr Chanda Salame, Dr Abhishek Kumar, Dr Surabhi Lande (all from NKPSIMS, Nagpur), Dr Vishal Taur, Dr Bhushan Ambare and Dr Jaideep Sonowal (all from IGGMC, Nagpur). Dr B.M. Rajurkar, Dr Soma Cham and Dr Abhiruchi Patki were judges for the competition. All the participants presented their original work of research in the competition. Dr Surabhi Lande bagged the first prize and Dr Bhushan Ambare was adjudged as second winner. All the participants were given certificate of participation at the hands of the Preident of ISA – NCB, Dr Charuta Gadkari. Dr Saurabh Barde, Hon Secretary of ISA – NCB, conducted the program and proposed vote of thanks. The program ended with national anthem.