World Anaesthesia Day


ISA-NCB arranged a cultural evening at J. R. Shaw Auditorium, IMA House with the theme “Geet Gata Chal” in which ISA-NCB members participated in the musical orchestra & special attraction of skit performance. The chief guest of event was Dr. Madan Kapre, Senior ENT Surgeon of the city. The program started with welcome speech by President Dr. Manisha Shembekar. The evening program commenced with the inaugural ceremony of cake cutting by the Chief Guest. All senior anesthesiologists were also invited on stage to be a part the ceremony. As a part of tradition, members and their wards were felicitated by chief guest for their academic as well as non-academic achievements. The Chief Guest appreciated the efforts of entire organisation and congratulated all for bringing laurels to orange city by winning multitude of awards at State level. As a surgeon, he highlighted on the relationship between an anaesthesiologist and a surgeon. Dr. Soma Cham, Hon. Secretary proposed formal vote of thanks.

The cultural program began with the skit presentation by the Residents of the three medical colleges in the city. Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical College presented the skit on ‘Intra-operative arrhythmias’, NKPSIMS presented on ‘Post-dural puncture headache’ and Govt. Medical College on ‘Difficult intubastion’. The novel idea of skit presentation was highly appreciated by everyone and full of situational humor and tackling of the problem. It was nostalgic for the senior anaesthesiologists, taking them back to their residential learning phase of life.

The Musical event of ‘Geet Gata chal’ followed hence which was equally amazing and thrilling. ISA NCB is blessed with singers and the whole program of the orchestra was performed by anaesthesiologists of the Society. The orchestra was highly entertaining and the audience was mesmerized with their melodious songs. The entire event was princely grand and magnificent. The event was attended by 200 doctors, their families and kids who thoroughly enjoyed the fun filled evening.

The team ISA-NCB headed by President Dr. Manisha Shembekar and Hon. Secretary, Dr. Soma Cham worked extremely hard for success of the mega event. The Project Coordinators were Dr. Ravi Mundada, Dr. Amrusha Choukasey and Dr. Vrishali Ankalwar. Dr. Ravi Mundada & Dr. Amrusha Choukasey conducted the program smoothly as Masters of Ceremony for the days event.

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