World Environment Day celebration by ISA NCB

Nagpur, third hottest city of India, is facing scorching summer and the wrath of Sun God is unabated since last one and half months. Tree plantation as a mark of celebrating World Environment Day and hence contributing to reduction in air was not possible, as water shortage and intense heat were the damaging factor.

As we all know that a considerable portion of hospital waste is generated in the operating room, and an anesthesiologist should take up the leadership role to minimize hospital related negative environmental impact i.e. primarily air pollution. On the 7th of June, an appeal was made to ISA NCB members to showcase their contribution in reducing air pollution as an Anaesthesiologist by practicing Low Flow Anaesthesia, Nitrous Oxide Free Anaesthesia with use of Air, Total Intravenous Techniques (TIVA) and Regional Analgesia, nd posting pictures practicing such techniques. An overwhelming response was obtained depicting the awareness amongst anesthesiologists here.

ISA NCB celebrated World Environment Day on the theme of ‘Air Pollution & the Anaesthesiologist’ the 12th of June 2019 in collaboration with “Om Charitable Trust”., The President, Dr. Manisha Shembekar welcomed the gathering explaining the importance of celebrating the day and the necessity to spread awareness amongst the present and future generation alike. A POSTER MAKING COMPETITION was organized wherein children of Anaesthesiologists were invited to make posters regarding AIR POLLUTION. The response was very good with 15 enthusiastic children coming up with motivating and moral based posters.

As the poster making session was underway, Mr. Praful Jain, an expert in ‘Utility of Solar Energy’ presented a deliberation on the EFFECTIVE USE OF SOLAR POWER. He enlightened the audience on the use of this solar power which is free and environment friendly natural source of energy and in abundance. He updated us as to how one can use this energy without burning out a hole in one’s pocket, save on electricity bills and more so decrease air pollution which is caused by burning of fossil fuel and the primary contributor of air pollution.

This was followed by DIGITAL SHOWCASING of environmental issues by Anaesthesiologists of Nagpur. Dr. Tirpude, Prof. & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, GMC, Nagpur, Dr. Hemangi Abhyankar, Dr. Rajendra Rai & Dr. Deepali Mandlik, Consultant Anaesthesiologists. Highly informative and interesting presentations were showcased regarding nature and preservation of the Environment.

SLOGAN COMPETITION followed the presentation with catchy slogans especially from National Cancer Institute, Anaesthesiologists group, presented by Dr. Sarita Joglekar. The programme concluded with presentation by Dr. Soma Cham, Hon. Secretary, on the assimilated photographs of the 7th June 2019, depicting Anaesthesiologists’ utilizing various air pollution reducing techniques.

Saplings were distributed to all the children with the best maintained sapling to be awarded on Annual Day Celebrations. Saplings were also given to all presenters as token of appreciation.

The Master of Ceremony was Dr. Rajkumari Wadhwani. The programme concluded with Vote of thanks by Dr. Soma Cham, followed by National Anthem. Delicious snacks were then distributed to all participants and delegates.