Virtual CME on “What’s new in paediatrics?”

Pediatrics anesthesia is a really technically skillful job. Handling kids pre-operatively is an art, which requires continuous training. ‘Updates and Advances’ in it are need of the hour.

To be aware about the new techniques, ISA-NCB conducted MMC accredited Paediatric CME on virtual platform on 16th January 2022 from 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm.

The title for CME was “What’s new in paediatrics?” This Program was a huge success and 220 members registered for CME and attended on zoom platform and You tube live. At the outset President Dr. Kiran Vyawahare welcomed the delegates and the faculties. The faculties for the program were Dr. Anila Malde, HOD and Professor LTMC, Sion hospital, Dr. Pradnya Sawant, HOD, Pediatrics at Wadia Children Hospital. Dr. Manish Kotwani, Associate professor at LTMC, Sion and Pediatric anesthesiologist and Dr. Bhau Rajurkar Sir Director of Get-well hospital and past president of ISANCB and the senior anesthesiologist from Nagpur.

The program head was Dr. Deepali Mandlik

The first lecture was by Dr. Manish Kotwani. The topic was “key hole surgeries, Is it the in thing?”. He has extensively explained the anesthesia in pediatric patients for laparoscopic surgeries and its intricacies.

The second topic was “Fluid and blood products, this much and no further” “The talked was delivered by Dr. Anila Malde madam. With her vast experience in paediatrics she covered the topic in minute details.

The third topic was “Regional only!! Unplug the  mental block,” by Dr.  Pradnya Sawant, senior pediatric anesthesiologist of Wadia hospital who has given small practical tips to go ahead with regional whenever possible for better anesthesia outcome and safety.

The fourth topic was “Challenges in Pediatric Bronchoscopy” Dr. Rajurkar sir with experience of doing more than 600 bronchoscopies gave in depth explanation & an excellent presentation with videos.

The panel discussion was conducted at the end which was attended very enthusiastically by members from Nagpur and nearby. The entire panelists were on the virtual platform. The chairperson for the program was Dr. Narendra Tamhane, senior pediatric anesthesiologist from Nagpur and Dr. Deepali Mandlik, Director Samarpan Hospital and the pediatric anaesthesiologist. They both moderated panel discussion constructively.

The MMC observer for the CME was Dr. Pravin Rathi sir, MMC has granted the one MMC credit point for the CME.

The Master of ceremony was Dr. Anjali Borkar Professor at JNMC Wardha and she conducted the program very well.

 Dr. Anjali Borkar & Dr. Neelesh Mathankar Executive members ISANCB worked very hard for the program.

Official vote of thanks was given by Hon. Secretary ISANCB Dr. Sarita Joglekar.