BLCS Workshop at NARCHICON 2018 at Nagpur

On 28th September, ISA NCB conducted BCLS workshop at 14th World Congress and 22nd National conference of National Association of Reproductive Child Health of India (NARCHI) at Nagpur.

Preconference rural obstetrics workshop of NARCHICON 2018 attended by 80 medical officers and obstetricians working at rural hospital and Public health Centres of all over Vidarbha.

Faculties were Dr. Umesh Ramtani who delivered lecture and Dr. Shital Dalal and Dr. Dilip Wasnik who conducted workshop with hands-on training.

The delegates over enthusiastically participated in all workstations and specially at our workstation.

All there doubts were cleared , new guidelines were stressed and special description about CPR in pregnancy was explained.