Traumatic Brain Injury is increasing world wide problem due to Road side accidents. Hence protocolised management is very important as it prevents oversight and allows treatment to proceed in orderly manner.

Department of Anaesthesiology IGGMC , Nagpur and ISA Nagpur city branch jointly organized a CME on Neurotrauma and Traumatic Brain Injury on 10th January at hotel Tuli Imperial.

The CME was inaugurated at the hands of Hon. chief guest Dr Alok Ghosh and in gracious presence of Hon. Dean, IGGMC, Nagpur Dr Madhukar Parchand.

Organizing chairman and prof and head Department of anaesthesia IGGMC, Dr Sandhya Manjrekar and Dr B M Rajurkar, President ISA NCB welcomed all.

The Eminent faculties were Dr B. Kondwilkar, Dr H. Karnik and Dr P Thakkar from Mumbai, Dr H. Prabhakar from AIIMS, New Delhi and Dr Sawargaonkar, Dr Jeswani, Dr Pakhmode from Nagpur.

CME mainly emphasized on basics of understanding of cerebral and spinal physiology in neuroanaesthesia, monitoring brain functions, golden hour management in head injury and intensive care in neurotrauma.

Dr Soma Cham and Dr Ramtani conducted the proceedings. Dr V Shelgaonkar, organizing secretary proposed vote of thanks.

The CME will be reported in April issue of International Journal of Neuroanaesthesia and critical care.

CME was attended by around 160 delegates and was very well appreciated.

The organizing team with Faculties of CME on Neuroanaesthesia and TBI
The organizing team with Faculties of CME on Neuroanaesthesia and TBI.