BCLS / COLS activity at Sanjeevani Hospital

On 4th April 2019, BCLS ACTIVITY was conducted at Sanjeevani Orthopaedic Hospital, Nagpur in which 15 paramedics and auxiliary workers were trained and hands-on given on mannequin by President ISA NCB Dr. Manisha Shembekar, Hon. Sec Dr. Soma Cham & Dr. Rajkumari Wadhwani, executive member.

It is the first COLS activity held by the new executive team after being installed. Dr.Rajan, Director and Past President of Rotary praised the efforts and selfless act of Anaesthesiologists of Nagpur City Branch. COLS chart was displayed in the waiting area and booklets – ‘Anaesthesia all you need to know before taking one’ were handed over to help solve queries related to Anaesthesia.