General Body Meeting 2023

Respected Member,

The President of ISA-Nagpur City Branch, Dr Rashmi Shingade has requested to convene a General Body Meeting on Friday 28 th of   July 2023 from 6:30 PM onwards. The Venue for the meeting is M T Paithankar hall, IMA Nagpur. The quorum for General Body Meeting will be 25% of the total or 50 members whichever  is less. If the quorum is not complete, the meeting shall be adjourned and recalled after 10 minutes. (Quorum shall not be necessary for a reconvened meeting). You are requested to kindly attend the meeting positively.

The Agenda for General Body Meeting is as follows:

  1. Welcome by the President
  2. Obituaries
  3. Confirmation of Minutes of Last GBM
  4. Business arising out of minutes of last GBM
  5. Audited Report of last financial year (2022-23)
  6. Election of the new executive team of ISA NCB for the year 2023-24
  7. Amendments if any in the constitution till 28th  July 2022
  8. Institution of New awards  for annual debate competition
  9. Discussion on the upcoming MAHAYUVACON 2023
  10. Any other matter with the Permission of the chair
  11. Vote of Thanks.

The minutes of the last GBM held on 21st July 2022 are uploaded here.

Thanks & Regards

Dr. Devayani Thakur
Hon Secretary, ISA – NCB  (2022-23)