Awards recieved at National ISACON Agra 2018

ISA-NCB is delighted to inform that, at recently completed National conference of Indian society of Anaesthesiologists ( ISA ) held at Agra, ISA Nagpur was awarded with prestigious awards in all categories and declared best at national level for tenure of 2018-19.


  • Best City Branch Award – 1st Prize
  • Best Public Awareness award – 1st Prize
  • Best Ether Day 2018 award – 1st Prize

at national level for exemplary and extraordinary work in entire tenure under able leadership of President Dr. Sunita Lawange and Hon. Secretary Dr. Umesh Ramtani.

At individual level our members brought laurels too.

President Dr. Sunita Lawange was conferred with prestigious Proficiency award.

Dr. Shital Dalal, Past president and Associate Professor, IGGMC was conferred with Best Public Awareness Individual for outstanding work in the field of creating public awareness, prestigious Proficiency award and presidential appreciation award.

Dr. Jubin T. J., 3rd year junior resident , Anaesthesiology, GMC got KOP’s award for his paper presentation competition.

All the awards were given by the president and secretary of ISA national at Agra conference.

ISA NCB also got total 11 awards at state level in conference held at Shirdi last month.

Dr. Sunita Lawange, President ISA NCB expressed her heartfelt gratitude to all senior members , executive body of ISA NCB and all the members for their different contributions . She expressed her emotions and said that it is proud moment for our branch.

Dr. Umesh Ramtani, Hon. Secretary ardently thanked the Almighty for blissful grace and thanked the team ISA NCB for determined efforts and everlasting support and guidance . It was like hardwork paying back and dreams coming true. Long live ISA NCB.