ISA NCB conducted BASIC LIFE Support & Hands on Session at Shri Ayurved College
ISA NCB conducted BASIC LIFE Support & Hands on Session at Shri Ayurved College Nagpur on Thursday 9/3/2023 .
The demonstration was given by DR. Devayani Thakur
Hon. Secretary ISA NCB and hands on was supervised by Dr. Ketki Ramteke , executive member ISA NCB .
shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya curriculum BLS activity coordinator Dr. Jaikrishna Chhangani coordinated the overall program.
Curriculum activities coordinator –
Dr. KIRAN Tawlare (Associate professor, sharir kriya dept)
Dr. Pramod Garje (HOD, Rognidan dept.)
Dr. Vinod Chaudhari (HOD, Anatomy dept.)
Dignitaries were present for the activity .
Dr. Kamlakar , Surgery Dept
Dr. Sakshi Patil, Dr. Priya Katre, Dr. Mrunal Wani, Dr. Dhanashri, Dr. Divya also attended the program
Around 100 Ayurveda UG students and PG students were very satisfied by attending the session
ISA NCB donated BLS chart to Principal Dr. Mohan Yeole Sir to be displayed in the college .